Chehraa unfolds on Ullu, captivating with a tale of hidden pasts and entangled lives. In this Hindi web series, Rahul’s secrets begin to unravel when Preeti, under the guise of his wife, steps into his life. Their story weaves through emotions, uncovering ties that bind her to Mohit and threaten to crumble their world. It’s a journey through love, mystery, and betrayal, inviting viewers to delve into the complexities of their relationships.
The cast brings the narrative to life, featuring Diraj Alwani as Rahul, Simran Kapoor as Preeti, Prity Dey as Sonali, and Rishabh Srivastava as Mohit. Their performances navigate through the series’ erotic, romantic, and thrilling elements, making each character’s journey compelling and rich with emotion.
For those eager to experience Chehraa’s allure, download the Ullu app from the Playstore for Android or the App Store for IOS. Ullu offers episodes in HD 1080p, 720p, and 480p, which ensures a visually stunning viewing experience. Avoid piracy websites and watch Chehraa officially on Ullu, where its secrets and passions come to life. The series, marked by its erotic and romantic genre, premiered on Ullu, drawing viewers into its intimate and intricate world.