TD Motorcycle Insurance Review | Ratings | Pros & Cons | Discount



TD Motorcycle Insurance offers customizable coverage options for motorcycle riders in Canada. Mandatory coverage varies by province; knowing what is required to cover your make and model motorcycle is essential. Third-Party Liability, Direct Compensation, Uninsured Automobile, and Accident Benefits are some options typically covered. Additional coverage can be added, such as Collision or Upset, Comprehensive Coverage, All Perils Coverage, and Specified Perils Coverage. TD Motorcycle Insurance also offers unique add-ons like Accident Forgiveness and Removing Depreciation Deductions. To find the right coverage for your needs, speak with an advisor or get an online quote. Discounts are also available to help you save money.

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Similar to auto insurance, mandatory motorcycle insurance coverage varies from province to province in Canada. So, you must conduct research or consult a professional to comprehend the legal requirements. Obtaining the required protection for your motorcycle’s make and model is essential. Generally speaking, the following would be covered:

Main Coverage from TD Insurance

Insurance CoverageDescription
Third-Party LiabilityProvides coverage for injury and damage to others and their property resulting from a vehicle accident.
Direct CompensationCovers damages to your motorcycle to the extent at which you’re not at fault in a collision.
Uninsured AutomobileCovers medical costs and damage if an uninsured rider is at fault.
Accident BenefitsProvides coverage for you and your family if you are injured or killed in an automobile accident.

Options for enhanced protection from TD Motorcycle Insurance for your motorcycle.

Insurance CoverageDescription
Collision or UpsetCovers damage to your motorcycle caused by a traffic collision with another vehicle or object.
ComprehensiveCovers all other insured damage caused to your motorcycle, except collision or upset.
All PerilsThe broadest level of coverage combines Collision or Upset and Comprehensive coverage and increased theft protection.
Specified PerilsProtects your motorcycle from certain risks, such as losses caused by fire, floods, hail, or theft.

How is accident forgiveness implemented?

If you have been accident-free for the previous six years (no at-fault or partially at-fault incidents) and have Accident Forgiveness coverage on your auto insurance policy, we will “forgive” you for your first accident. This implies that the accident will not affect your premium when your coverage is renewed.

Accident Forgiveness coverage remains in effect even if you decide to switch vehicles, so long as you have not been involved in any more at-fault collisions. Subject to eligibility, coverage can be added to automobiles, motorhomes, and motorbikes on a per-vehicle basis.

Who is qualified for Accident Forgiveness?

  • You must hold an auto insurance policy with us and adhere to its terms.
  • The car’s primary driver must have been licensed and accident-free for the previous six years for the vehicle type for which coverage is requested.
  • The other mentioned drivers must be accident-free for the last six years or when they have been licensed to operate the vehicle for which coverage is requested.
  • Changing your vehicle will have no bearing on your eligibility.

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