Director Arun Prabhu Purushothaman has turned the entire Tamil cinema on his side with his film Aruvi. Aruvi, starring actress Aditi Balan, was celebrated as a Tamil film that touched the hearts of the people of Tamil Nadu. Vaazhl is a film directed by Arun Prabhu Purushothaman following the film Aruvi which was well-received among the fans.
Actor Sivakarthikeyan, one of the leading heroes of Tamil cinema, has produced the film Vaazhl on behalf of his production company Sivakarthikeyan Productions. Produced by Sivakarthikeyan Productions on behalf of Madhuram Pictures.
Shelley Gallist has done cinematography for the film Vaazhl starring actor Pradeep and actress Banu in the lead roles in the film Aruvi. Raymond Derrick Krasta, the cinematographer of the film Aruvi, has composed the music for the famous singer Pradeep Kumar.
The trailer for the movie has just been released, with the movie coming out live on the Sony Live (SONY Liv) OTT site on July 16th. The trailer of this Vaazhl movie, which is lively and different, has created anticipation among the fans. Here is the trailer of the Vaazhl movie