Nidhi Pradeep (Instagram), the enchanting Indian model, captivates in a breathtaking pink lehenga by @tamohara_house_of_designs. The lehenga, adorned with intricate beadwork and sequins, is complemented by a sheer dupatta that adds an ethereal touch. Nidhi’s graceful pose and the twirl of the lehenga create a dreamy, fairy-tale vibe.
Her look is accentuated by exquisite jewelry from @challani_jewellery, including a statement necklace, matching earrings, and bangles that add a touch of opulence. The flawless makeup and hair, done by @artistrybyshanu and team, enhance her natural beauty. This campaign shoot, brilliantly executed by the team at Ikrios Gokul and Vdop Photography, showcases Nidhi’s elegance and poise in every frame.
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