In a recent turn of events, leading actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu unveiled her plans to take a brief hiatus from her bustling acting career. Wrapping up her roles in the anticipated projects ‘Kushi’ and ‘Citadel’, she intends to jet off to the US and other countries for advanced treatment of her myositis. Her announcement, made across several social media platforms, highlights the importance of health and well-being in the demanding realm of cinema.
The journey leading up to her break has been intriguing. Samantha recently embarked on a road trip with her long-time friend and ‘Leo’ co-producer Jagadish Palanisamy. The Chennai-Bengaluru highway played host to their adventurous escapade. Known for their professional collaboration and personal camaraderie, the duo sought solace and spiritual rejuvenation, visiting landmarks such as the Sri Lakshmi Narayani Golden Temple in Vellore and the serene Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore.
The icing on the cake was their musical choice for this special trip. Samantha and Jagadish reminisced about the golden era of Tamil cinema with timeless classics from their playlist. A.R. Rahman’s ‘Pachai Nirame’ from ‘Alaipayuthey,’ Yuvan Shankar Raja’s ‘Oru Kal Oru Kannadi’ from ‘Siva Manasula Shakthi’, and ‘Melliname’ by Harish Raghavendra from ‘Shahjahan,’ starring Thalapathy Vijay, added a nostalgic touch. It’s clear that Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s short break from acting is as much about self-discovery as it is about health and wellness.