Majaa, a vibrant Tamil masala film released in 2005, features a stellar cast, including Vikram, Asin, Pasupathy, Vadivelu, Anu Prabhakar, Vijayakumar, Manivannan, Murali, and Biju Menon in his Tamil debut. Directed by Shafi, this movie revolves around the transformative journey of two adopted children, portrayed by Vikram and Pasupathy, as they leave behind their mischievous pasts.
One of the highlights of Majaa is the romantic track “Sollitharava,” which sets the screen ablaze with its scintillating visuals. Vikram and Asin showcase their sizzling chemistry in this song, igniting sparks that captivate audiences. The soulful voices of Madhu Balakrishnan and Sadhana Sargam, combined with the melodious composition by Vidyasagar and the poetic lyrics by Kabilan, create a magical atmosphere, intensifying the romantic mood.
We have carefully selected stunning stills from the Sollitharava song to give you a glimpse of this passionate spectacle. These images encapsulate the fiery energy between Vikram and Asin, allowing fans to relive the romance on-screen. However, it’s important to note that the images used in this content are for news purposes only. They are screenshots from the movie, enhanced using cutting-edge AI technology to provide an enhanced visual experience.