Ullu, one of India’s top OTT platforms, has announced the release date for the much-anticipated Malai Part 2 web series. The spicy drama is set to premiere on 31st March 2023, and fans eagerly await what unfolds in the story.
The series follows the story of Renu bhabhi, played by Ankita Singh, who is left longing for her lover’s touch while her husband is away at work. In her quest for fulfilment, she discovers some videos on her brother-in-law’s phone, leading to a series of tug of wars between her and her brother-in-law for the mobile phone.
Sahil Tyagi plays Mama Ji, Shyna Khatri plays Shilpa, and Lucky Saini plays Rahul in this captivating drama. With a storyline that promises to keep viewers glued to their screens, Malai Part 2 is one of the most anticipated web series of the year.
Ullu has been known for producing bold, spicy, and engaging content, and Malai Part 2 looks set to continue this trend. So, mark your calendars and get ready to witness the latest drama in the world of OTT entertainment.