The shooting of the movie ‘Valimai’ that Ajith fans have been waiting for has been completed. H. Vinod directed the film ‘Valimai’ produced by Bonnie Kapoor and starring Ajith. The film, which is scheduled to release in theaters for the coming Diwali, was shot in Chennai and Hyderabad. However, the shooting was hampered by the spread of the corona early last year.
The bike stunt scene only had to be filmed overseas as some scenes were shot in Hyderabad again earlier this year after the completion of Lactelon. Spain was chosen by the film crew. But they shifted the shooting to Moscow because it was difficult to shoot during this Lactelone period in Spain.
On August 20, a group of ‘strengths’ including Ajith left for Moscow. The shooting of the bike chasing scenes which took almost 10 days has been completed. The crew is very happy as the bike chases and stunt scenes are located as planned! So, tonight the crew including Ajith is returning to Chennai from Moscow.